Friday, October 30, 2009

In the publicity of your own home

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The Gift

The Gift

The Gift is about stripping away conditioning to reveal the potential of each day. Some days its easy to do but other days we feel wrapped in our limiting ideas and concepts. When we decide to unwrap we discover that each day has the same potential.
It reveals nothing which is everything.
"There is poetry as soon as we realize that we possess nothing". Quote by John Case.


From the Comfort of our Loungerooms

This painting is talking about watching the many disasters on tv, in the comfort of our loungerooms.

one of four

This painting is one of four paintings in a body of work called 'In the Publicity of your own home'.
These paintings talk about social voyeurism like facebook,utube and blogs!

Dry Earth (detail)

Dry Earth

passing ships detail

passing ships